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IndianTenders provides latest updates on HOOGHLY RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSIONERS (HRBC), eProcurement Tenders and other online tender notices published by HOOGHLY RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSIONERS (HRBC). It is the only online tender website which provides free trial access to tenders and other procurement notices types like: open tender, public tender, online tenders, eProcurement Tenders from HOOGHLY RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSIONERS (HRBC).

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Home » Tenders By Authority » Latest HOOGHLY RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSIONERS (HRBC) Tenders


IndianTenders provides latest updates on HOOGHLY RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSIONERS (HRBC), eProcurement Tenders and other online tender notices published by HOOGHLY RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSIONERS (HRBC). It is the only online tender website which provides free trial access to tenders and other procurement notices types like: open tender, public tender, online tenders, eProcurement Tenders from HOOGHLY RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSIONERS (HRBC).

Registered users can view and search all Tender Notices issued by HOOGHLY RIVER BRIDGE COMMISSIONERS (HRBC). Subscribed members can get daily email alerts for their product/services.

State: West Bengal

Cleaning the Carriageways, Median Verges, Footpaths of Howrah Viaduct Main Bridge to Toll Plaza Building both Ways of Vidyasagar Setu for the Year 2024-2025.

Ref ID: 98887596

Deadline: 23Mar2024

Value: ₹ 972829

State: West Bengal

Converting the Gents Toilet into a Ladies Toilet at 1St Floor Lift Side of Hrbc Bhavan

Ref ID: 98749881

Deadline: 22Mar2024

Value: ₹ 169808

State: West Bengal

Cleaning the Carriageways, Median Verges, Footpaths of Main Bridge Including Expansion Joints of Vidyasagar Setu for the Year 2024-25.

Ref ID: 97992508

Deadline: 11Mar2024

Value: ₹ 666090

State: West Bengal

Cleaning the Carriageways, Median Verges, Footpaths of Bridge Approaches and Flyover Interchanges of Kolkata Side of Vidyasagar Setu for the Year 2024-2025. Part-A up Carriageway at Grade Level and A....

Ref ID: 97992501

Deadline: 11Mar2024

Value: ₹ 803889

State: West Bengal

Balance Work I.C.W the Project Rcc Bridge Near Moukhalikheya Ghat over Matla River Connecting Canning-I and Canning-Ii Blocks of South 24 Pargonas District through Hrbc

Ref ID: 97316376

Deadline: 14Mar2024

Value: ₹ 42553112

State: West Bengal

Repair and Restoration of Damaged Guard Wall and M.S. Railing of Median Verges Garden on Mushi Prem Chand Sarani in Front of Hrbc Bhavan.

Ref ID: 96959221

Deadline: 23Feb2024

Value: ₹ 175971

State: West Bengal

Providing Space for Atm Installation by Indian Overseas Bank, Hastings Branch Govt of India Undertaking

Ref ID: 96959218

Deadline: 23Feb2024

Value: ₹ 130884

State: West Bengal

Corrigendum: Urgent Repairing Work of Decorative Lighting and other Electrical Installation Works at Hrbc Bhawan and its Surrounding

Ref ID: 96718512

Deadline: 16Feb2024

Value: ₹ 206632

State: West Bengal

Emergency Repair and Renovation of E.I and Allied Work of the Existing 02 (Two) No. F.P Boxes Related to Street Lighting of Nagerbazar Flyover under Hrbc Kolkata.

Ref ID: 96594807

Deadline: 16Feb2024

Value: ₹ 157898

State: West Bengal

Deployment of Operator for Regular Operation of Automatic Number Plates Recognise (Anpr Software) Software Surveillance System Installed at Vidyasagar Setu (2Nd Hooghly Bridge) for One Year

Ref ID: 106176795

Deadline: 30Aug2024

Value: ₹ 229788

State: {{rowDetails.State_Name}}

Ref ID: {{rowDetails.ID}}

Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}

Value: {{rowDetails.Tender_Value}}

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State: {{rowDetails.State_Name}}

Ref ID: {{rowDetails.ID}}

Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}

Value: {{rowDetails.Tender_Value}}

No data Found!! Please search again

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