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Government Butane Torch Online Tenders from Daman and Diu (UT) 2025

In this section the users can find latest Butane Torch tenders and eProcurement notices from various tendering authorities and private purchasers in Daman and Diu (UT). Registered users can download complete tender detail, BOQ, TOR etc for Butane Torch Tenders published by various government tendering authorities in Daman and Diu (UT).

The information on Butane Torch online tenders is sourced from various sources like: Daman and Diu (UT) State Government Eproc Portals, Newspapers, tender bulletin and government online tenders websites.

State: Daman and Diu (UT)

Torch Light, Qty: 1 No, (BOQ Item #2)

Ref ID: 102953468

Deadline: 11Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Daman and Diu (UT)

Torch Cell 1.5 V Std, Qty: 80 Nos, (BOQ Item #36)

Ref ID: 97191717

Deadline: 29Feb2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Daman and Diu (UT)

Torch Cell 1.5 V STD, Qty: 80 Nos, (BOQ Item #33)

Ref ID: 105986782

Deadline: 09Sep2024

Value: Refer Document

State: {{rowDetails.State_Name}}

Ref ID: {{rowDetails.ID}}

Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}

Value: {{rowDetails.Tender_Value}}

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