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Government Domestic Sewage System Online Tenders from Haryana 2024

In this section the users can find latest Domestic Sewage System tenders and eProcurement notices from various tendering authorities and private purchasers in Haryana. Registered users can download complete tender detail, BOQ, TOR etc for Domestic Sewage System Tenders published by various government tendering authorities in Haryana.

The information on Domestic Sewage System online tenders is sourced from various sources like: Haryana State Government Eproc Portals, Newspapers, tender bulletin and government online tenders websites.

State: Haryana

Custom Bid for Services - Maint of Scada System of Central Sewage System, Qty: 1

Ref ID: 105883631

Deadline: 06Sep2024

Value: ₹ 330000

State: Haryana

Cleaning Maint of Central Sewage System in Sector B under Ge Utility Ambala Cantt

Ref ID: 99162429

Deadline: 15Apr2024

Value: ₹ 4800000

State: Haryana

Cleaning Maint of Central Sewage System in Sector a and C under Ge Utility Ambala Cantt

Ref ID: 98998565

Deadline: 09Apr2024

Value: ₹ 4900000

State: Haryana

Corrigendum: Cleaning Maint of Central Sewage System in Sector a and C under Ge Utility Ambala

Ref ID: 99825169

Deadline: 16Apr2024

Value: ₹ 4900000

State: Haryana

Corrigendum: Cleaning Maint of Central Sewage System in Sector B under Ge Utility Ambala Cantt

Ref ID: 100025683

Deadline: 22Apr2024

Value: ₹ 4800000

State: Haryana

Repair/Replacement and Cleaning of Sewage System in Md and Otm Accn under Age B/R-I at Itarana

Ref ID: 101209348

Deadline: 04Jun2024

Value: ₹ 4000000

State: Haryana

Addn /Altn /Improvement to Sewage System at Vampire, Tempest Enclave and Rr Line at Af Stn Ambala

Ref ID: 98682075

Deadline: 12Apr2024

Value: ₹ 14300000

State: Haryana

Corrigendum: Repair/Replacement and Cleaning of Sewage System in Md and Otm Accn under Age

Ref ID: 102073299

Deadline: 11Jun2024

Value: ₹ 4000000

State: Haryana

Corrigendum: Addn /Altn /Improvement to Sewage System at Vampire, Tempest Enclave and Rr

Ref ID: 99593145

Deadline: 21Apr2024

Value: ₹ 14300000

State: Haryana

Corrigendum: Addn /Altn /Improvement to Sewage System at Vampire, Tempest Enclave and Rr

Ref ID: 100294108

Deadline: 28Apr2024

Value: ₹ 14300000

State: {{rowDetails.State_Name}}

Ref ID: {{rowDetails.ID}}

Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}

Value: {{rowDetails.Tender_Value}}

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