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Government Intravenous Bicarbonate Online Tenders from Chandigarh (UT) 2025

In this section the users can find latest Intravenous Bicarbonate tenders and eProcurement notices from various tendering authorities and private purchasers in Chandigarh (UT). Registered users can download complete tender detail, BOQ, TOR etc for Intravenous Bicarbonate Tenders published by various government tendering authorities in Chandigarh (UT).

The information on Intravenous Bicarbonate online tenders is sourced from various sources like: Chandigarh (UT) State Government Eproc Portals, Newspapers, tender bulletin and government online tenders websites.

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Intravenous Cannulas as Per is 10555 - 5,Intravenous Cannulas as Per is 10555 - 5,Intravenous Cannu

Ref ID: 99381752

Deadline: 12Apr2024

Value: ₹ 10291750

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Intravenous Cannulas as Per is 10555 - 5,Intravenous Cannulas as Per is 10555 - 5,Intravenous Cannu

Ref ID: 99649744

Deadline: 18Apr2024

Value: ₹ 10291750

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Intravenous Cannulas as Per is 10555 - 5, Qty: 50000

Ref ID: 100603075

Deadline: 11May2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Intravenous Cannulas as Per is 10555 - 5, Qty: 150000

Ref ID: 103601061

Deadline: 15Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Intravenous Cannulas as Per is 10555 - 5, Qty: 60000

Ref ID: 103503712

Deadline: 12Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Intravenous Cannulas as Per is 10555 - 5, Qty: 30000

Ref ID: 104443104

Deadline: 30Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Intravenous Cannulas as Per is 10555 - 5, Qty: 30000

Ref ID: 104739825

Deadline: 05Aug2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Inj Sodium Bicarbonate, Qty: 50 AMP, (BOQ Item #32)

Ref ID: 100271691

Deadline: 11May2024

Value: Refer Document

State: {{rowDetails.State_Name}}

Ref ID: {{rowDetails.ID}}

Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}

Value: {{rowDetails.Tender_Value}}

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