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Government Measles Vaccine Online Tenders from Arunachal Pradesh 2025

In this section the users can find latest Measles Vaccine tenders and eProcurement notices from various tendering authorities and private purchasers in Arunachal Pradesh. Registered users can download complete tender detail, BOQ, TOR etc for Measles Vaccine Tenders published by various government tendering authorities in Arunachal Pradesh.

The information on Measles Vaccine online tenders is sourced from various sources like: Arunachal Pradesh State Government Eproc Portals, Newspapers, tender bulletin and government online tenders websites.

State: Arunachal Pradesh

Purified Vero Cell Rabies Vaccine, Qty: 60 Pieces, (BOQ Item #41)

Ref ID: 101070700

Deadline: 31May2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Arunachal Pradesh

Purified Vero Cell Rabies Vaccine, Qty: 60 Pieces, (BOQ Item #41)

Ref ID: 102036854

Deadline: 07Jun2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Arunachal Pradesh

Typhoid Vi Conjugate Vaccine 0Point 5Ml, Qty: 120 PFS, (BOQ Item #76)

Ref ID: 103567790

Deadline: 23Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Arunachal Pradesh

Purified Vero Cell Rabies Vaccine, Qty: 60 Pieces, (BOQ Item #40)

Ref ID: 103693167

Deadline: 25Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Arunachal Pradesh

Human Diploid Cell Rabies Vaccine Inj, Qty: 180 Vial, (BOQ Item #36)

Ref ID: 103567745

Deadline: 23Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Arunachal Pradesh

Diphtheriae and Tetanus Vaccine Ptap Vial of 5Ml, Qty: 6 Stick, (BOQ Item #75)

Ref ID: 103567789

Deadline: 23Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Arunachal Pradesh

Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Vial of 0Point5ml, Qty: 6 Vial, (BOQ Item #77)

Ref ID: 103567791

Deadline: 23Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: {{rowDetails.State_Name}}

Ref ID: {{rowDetails.ID}}

Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}

Value: {{rowDetails.Tender_Value}}

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