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Government Mouth Freshener Spray Online Tenders from Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT) 2025

In this section the users can find latest Mouth Freshener Spray tenders and eProcurement notices from various tendering authorities and private purchasers in Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT). Registered users can download complete tender detail, BOQ, TOR etc for Mouth Freshener Spray Tenders published by various government tendering authorities in Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT).

The information on Mouth Freshener Spray online tenders is sourced from various sources like: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT) State Government Eproc Portals, Newspapers, tender bulletin and government online tenders websites.

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Room freshener spray, Qty: 40 Nos, (BOQ Item #7)

Ref ID: 105728985

Deadline: 04Sep2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Automatic room freshener spray machine, Qty: 10 Nos, (BOQ Item #15)

Ref ID: 105728993

Deadline: 04Sep2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Automatic room freshener spray refills, Qty: 15 Nos, (BOQ Item #16)

Ref ID: 105728994

Deadline: 04Sep2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Automatic Spray Freshmatic Air Freshener Kit 250Ml, Qty: 10 Nos, (BOQ Item #21)

Ref ID: 96884319

Deadline: 23Feb2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Air Freshener Liquid, Qty: 200 Pieces, (BOQ Item #22)

Ref ID: 100311105

Deadline: 13May2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Room Freshner Spray, Qty: 20 Pieces, (BOQ Item #19)

Ref ID: 99606678

Deadline: 25Apr2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Air Freshener Liquid,Insecticides for Mosquitoes Cockroaches and other Insects (Liquid Vaporizer

Ref ID: 103022954

Deadline: 11Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Insecticides for Mosquitoes Cockroaches and other Insects (Liquid Vaporizer and Spray),Toilet Clean

Ref ID: 101820000

Deadline: 07Jun2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Insecticides for Mosquitoes Cockroaches and other Insects (Liquid Vaporizer and Spray),Toilet Clean

Ref ID: 102375162

Deadline: 13Jun2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Glass Cleaner, Liquid (V2) as Per is 8540,Air Freshener Liquid,Toilet Soap or Liquid,Toilet Soap

Ref ID: 100760069

Deadline: 14May2024

Value: Refer Document

State: {{rowDetails.State_Name}}

Ref ID: {{rowDetails.ID}}

Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}

Value: {{rowDetails.Tender_Value}}

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