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Government Primary Education Online Tenders from Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT) 2025

In this section the users can find latest Primary Education tenders and eProcurement notices from various tendering authorities and private purchasers in Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT). Registered users can download complete tender detail, BOQ, TOR etc for Primary Education Tenders published by various government tendering authorities in Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT).

The information on Primary Education online tenders is sourced from various sources like: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT) State Government Eproc Portals, Newspapers, tender bulletin and government online tenders websites.

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

no Ficus Tree Standing Dangerously on Govt. Land of Education Department Bearing Sy. No.159 for Primar...

Ref ID: 101457282

Deadline: 27May2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Repair and Renovation of Govt Primary School, Port Mout

Ref ID: 98771100

Deadline: 26Mar2024

Value: ₹ 3014083

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Providing Iei to Transit Accommodation of Education Department

Ref ID: 104373755

Deadline: 22Jul2024

Value: ₹ 497918

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Providing Iei to Transit Accommodation of Education Department

Ref ID: 104529160

Deadline: 25Jul2024

Value: ₹ 497918

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Electronic Primary Motor, Qty: 4 NOS, (BOQ Item #11)

Ref ID: 105866197

Deadline: 06Sep2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Corrigendum: Providing Iei to Transit Accommodation of Education Department

Ref ID: 104562347

Deadline: 25Jul2024

Value: ₹ 497918

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Renovation of Iei to Govt Primary School Minnie Bay, Port Blair

Ref ID: 102876370

Deadline: 26Jun2024

Value: ₹ 359655

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Air Filter Primary Part No-924594.0430, Qty: 2 Nos, (BOQ Item #17)

Ref ID: 103763957

Deadline: 27Jul2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Fuel System Primary Filter, Qty: 2 Pieces, (BOQ Item #9)

Ref ID: 105132740

Deadline: 22Aug2024

Value: Refer Document

State: Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT)

Providing Iei to Transit Accommodation of Education Department at Tamaloo, Car Nicobar.

Ref ID: 104175700

Deadline: 22Jul2024

Value: ₹ 497918

State: {{rowDetails.State_Name}}

Ref ID: {{rowDetails.ID}}

Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}

Value: {{rowDetails.Tender_Value}}

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