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Government Wildlife Airline Online Tenders from Chandigarh (UT) 2025

In this section the users can find latest Wildlife Airline tenders and eProcurement notices from various tendering authorities and private purchasers in Chandigarh (UT). Registered users can download complete tender detail, BOQ, TOR etc for Wildlife Airline Tenders published by various government tendering authorities in Chandigarh (UT).

The information on Wildlife Airline online tenders is sourced from various sources like: Chandigarh (UT) State Government Eproc Portals, Newspapers, tender bulletin and government online tenders websites.

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Supply of Water Tanker to Fill the Wildlife Water Hole Constructed in Lake Beat for Providing Clean

Ref ID: 105861904

Deadline: 03Sep2024

Value: ₹ 1516811

State: Chandigarh (UT)

To Attend Wildlife Complaints during Day and Night Time at Office Complex in Chandigarh, Nepli

Ref ID: 103578839

Deadline: 22Jul2024

Value: ₹ 598965

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Maintenance of Fruit Bearing Plants to Create Habitat for Wildlife in Hallomajra Beat, Hallomajra

Ref ID: 103687113

Deadline: 22Jul2024

Value: ₹ 173954

State: Chandigarh (UT)

for Wildlife in Lake Beat

Ref ID: 102489729

Deadline: 01Jul2024

Value: ₹ 691543

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Plantation of Fruit Bearing Plants to Create Habitat for Wildlife Including its Maintenance

Ref ID: 102639667

Deadline: 02Jul2024

Value: ₹ 315080

State: Chandigarh (UT)

Etc and Replaced the Area by Planting Fruit Bearing/ Native Plants to Created Habitat for Wildlife Including its...

Ref ID: 102639681

Deadline: 02Jul2024

Value: ₹ 857023

State: Chandigarh (UT)

and Quality of Forest Area and to Provide Sufficient Feeding Material to the Native Wildlife in Lower N...

Ref ID: 102639728

Deadline: 02Jul2024

Value: ₹ 428032

State: Chandigarh (UT)

and Replaced the Area by Planting Fruit Bearing/ Native Plants to Create Habitat for Wildlife Including its M...

Ref ID: 102489369

Deadline: 01Jul2024

Value: ₹ 857023

State: Chandigarh (UT)

, Density and Quality of Forest Area and to Provide Sufficient Feeding Material to the Native Wildlife...

Ref ID: 102608587

Deadline: 02Jul2024

Value: ₹ 428032

State: Chandigarh (UT)

, Density and Quality of Forest Area and to Provide Sufficient Feeding Material to the Native Wildlife...

Ref ID: 102608601

Deadline: 02Jul2024

Value: ₹ 428032

State: {{rowDetails.State_Name}}

Ref ID: {{rowDetails.ID}}

Deadline: {{rowDetails.Bid_Deadline_1}}

Value: {{rowDetails.Tender_Value}}

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