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Home > Tenders > Computer Spare Parts And Cartridge
Tender for Computer Spare Parts And Cartridge from Karnataka. The reference number of the tender is: 96768596 and the same is closing on 26th Feb 2024. Users can register on the site to get similar tenders.
Procurement Summary
Country : India
State : Karnataka
Summary : Computer Spare Parts And Cartridge
Deadline : 26 Feb 2024
Purchaser's Detail
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
RefID : 96768596
Notice Ref. No. : DMA/2023-24/IND0411
Tender Value : ₹ 469700.00
Tender EMD : ₹ 11743.00
Tender Document Cost : ₹ 500
Competition : NCB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender's Details
Supply Of Computer Spare Parts, Annual Maintenance And Supply Of Cartridge To The Gokak Cmc
1. Monthly meintanance (GKK-30), Qty: 12.00 Nos, Amt: 60000.00
2. Brother printer Logic card (GKK-29), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 4200.00
3. Canon Logic card 1020, 1022, (GKK-28), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 4200.00
4. Canon & HP 1020, 1022 Drum (GKK-27), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 800.00
5. Teflon/Presser roller 1020 (GKK-26), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 2200.00
6. Printer cartridge (New) (GKK-25), Qty: 15.00 Nos, Amt: 27000.00
7. Cartridge New 12 A (Canon) (GKK-24), Qty: 90.00 Nos, Amt: 166500.00
8. Inter net Modem (GKK-23), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 6600.00
9. Scanner new (A4) (GKK-22), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 16000.00
10. Anti Virus 1Usser (GKK-21), Qty: 8.00 Nos, Amt: 8800.00
11. Web Cam (GKK-20), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 2000.00
12. Lan card (GKK-19), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 1100.00
13. Cabel Printer/usb ext/vga/ (GKK-18), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 900.00
14. THIRTY TWO Port Switch (GKK-17), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 5600.00
15. SIXTEEN Port Switch (GKK-16), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 3600.00
16. EIGHT Port Switch (GKK-15), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 2500.00
17. SMPS (GKK-14), Qty: 5.00 Nos, Amt: 4500.00
18. Power Cable (GKK-13), Qty: 5.00 Nos, Amt: 900.00
19. HDD Cabel Sata (GKK-12), Qty: 5.00 Nos, Amt: 250.00
20. CMOS Cell (GKK-11), Qty: 5.00 Nos, Amt: 450.00
21. External Hard Disk 1TB (GKK-10), Qty: 3.00 Nos, Amt: 33000.00
22. ONE TB Hard Disk, Qty: 3.00 Nos, Amt: 21600.00
23. Optical Mouse, Qty: 6.00 Nos, Amt: 4200.00
24. Key Board multi media, Qty: 6.00 Nos, Amt: 5400.00
25. FOUR 4 GB RAM DDR-3, Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 7600.00
26. DVD Writer (GKK-5), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 4800.00
27. New Monitor led 18.5 INCH (GKK-4), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 22000.00
28. Processor intel cori5 (GKK-3), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 19400.00
29. Processor intel cori3 (GKK-2), Qty: 2.00 Nos, Amt: 15000.00
30. Mother board (GKK-1), Qty: 3.00 Nos, Amt: 18600.00
Category: GOODS
EMD: 11743.00
Est Amt: 469700.00
Entity Type: Government Department
Tender Fees: 500.00
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