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Home > Tenders > One Set of Stainless Steel Double Ferrule Fittings for Demu/Dpc Bogie Consi...
Tender for One Set of Stainless Steel Double Ferrule Fittings for Demu/Dpc Bogie Consisting of 1. Male Elbow Connector 1/2# O.D X 1/2# Bspt (M) to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5-023, Item- 6, Alt-'H' Qty-8 2. Male Elbow Conn... from Uttar Pradesh. The reference number of the tender is: 97663201 and the same is closing on 12th Mar 2024. Users can register on the site to get similar tenders.
Procurement Summary
Country : India
State : Uttar Pradesh
Summary : One Set of Stainless Steel Double Ferrule Fittings for Demu/Dpc Bogie Consisting of 1. Male Elbow Connector 1/2# O.D X 1/2# Bspt (M) to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5-023, Item- 6, Alt-'H' Qty-8 2. Male Elbow Conn...
Deadline : 12 Mar 2024
Purchaser's Detail
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
RefID : 97663201
Notice Ref. No. : 40245077
Tender Value : Refer Document
Tender EMD : Refer Document
Tender Document Cost : Refer Document
Competition : NCB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender's Details
One Set of Stainless Steel Double Ferrule Fittings for Demu/Dpc Bogie Consisting of 1. Male Elbow Connector 1/2# O.D X 1/2# Bspt (M) to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5-023, Item- 6, Alt-'H' Qty-8 2. Male Elbow Connector 1/2# O.D X 3/8# Bspt (M) to Drg No- Icf/Std -3-5-023 Item- 1, Alt-'H' Qty-02 3. Female Branch Tee Connector 3/4# O.D X 1/2# Bspt (F) to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5-035, Item-2, Alt-'F'qty-02 4. Female Run Tee Connector 1/2# O.D X 3/8# Bspt (F) to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5-033, Item-10, , Alt-'G'qty-02 5. Male Elbow 1/2# Bspt (M) to Drg Noicf/Std -3-5-038, Item-2,, Alt-'Nil' Qty-01 6. Reducing Union 3/4# O.D X 1/2# O.D to Drg Noicf/Std -3-5-037, Item-01, Alt-'A', Qty-02 7. Hex. Plug 1/2# Bspt Plug (M) to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5-026, Item-01, Alt-'D', Qty-01 8. Male Connector 1# O.D X 1# Bspt (M) to Drg No-Icf/Std -3-5-016, Item-08, Alt-'D', Qty-04 9. Male Connector 1# O.D X 3/4# Bspt (M) to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5-016, Item- 04,, Alt-'D'qty-04 10. Male Elbow Connector1# O.D X 3/4# Bspt(M) to Drg Noicf/Std -3-5-023, Item-03,, Alt-'H' Qty-04 11. Male Elbow Connector1/2# O.D X 3/4# Bspt(M) to Drg No-Icf/Std -3-5-023, Item-07,, Alt-'H' Qty-02. 12. Female Run Tee Connector 1# O.D X 3/8# Bspt (F)To Drg no Icf/Std -3-5- 033, Item-04,, Alt-'G' Qty-02. 13. Union Elbow 1# O.D to Drg Noicf/Std -3-5- 017, Item-03,, Alt-'Nil' Qty-06 14. Swivel Elbow 1# Od to Drg no Icf/Std -3- 5-022 Item-02, Alt-'B' Qty-02 15. Hex Plug 3/8" Bspt Plug(M) to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5-026, Item-04, Alt-'D' Qty 02. 16. Male Connector 1/2# O.D X 1/2# Bspt (M) to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5-016, Item-09,, Alt-'D'qty-02. 17. Union Elbow with 1/2# Bspt Tapping to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5-088, Item- 01, Alt-'B', Qty-2 .
One Set of Stainless Steel Double Ferrule Fittings for Demu/Dpc Bogie Consisting of 1. Male Elbow Connector 1/2# O.D X 1/2# Bspt (M) to Drg no Icf/Std -3-5- 023, Item- 6, Alt-'H' Qty-8 2. Male Elbow Connector 1/2# O.D X 3/8# Bspt (M) to Drg No- Icf/Std -3-5-023 Item- 1, Alt-'H' Qty-02 3. Female Branch Tee Connector 3/4# O.D X 1/2# B...
Contract Type : Goods
Tender Type : Open - Indigenous
Contract Category : Expenditure
Evaluation Criteria : Itemwise/Consigneewise
Bidding System : Single Packet
Pre-Bid Conference Required : No
Pre-Bid Conference Date Time : Not Applicable
Tendering Section : LP
Inspection Agency : TPI Agency
Publishing Date / Time : 26/02/2024 11:14
Procure From Approved Sources : No
Approving Agency : Not Applicable
Closing Date Time : 12/03/2024 11:30
Validity of Offer ( Days) : 90
Ranking Order for Bids : Lowest to Highest
Advertised Value :
Tender Doc. Cost (INR) : 0.00
Earnest Money (INR) : 0.00
Consignee SSE/CRS/IZN, NER Uttar Pradesh 13.00 Set
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