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Home > Tenders > Retender For Supply Of Automobile Equipments For Engineering College
Tender for Retender For Supply Of Automobile Equipments For Engineering College from Karnataka. The reference number of the tender is: 97726864 and the same is closing on 5th Mar 2024. Users can register on the site to get similar tenders.
Procurement Summary
Country : India
State : Karnataka
Summary : Retender For Supply Of Automobile Equipments For Engineering College
Deadline : 05 Mar 2024
Purchaser's Detail
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
RefID : 97726864
Notice Ref. No. : DTE/2023-24/IND0019
Tender Value : ₹ 22.00
Tender EMD : ₹ 75000.00
Tender Document Cost : ₹ 500
Competition : NCB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender's Details
Retender For Supply Of Automobile Equipments For Engineering College
1. power mosfet step up/step down chopper, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
2. Voltage frequency control 3 ph induction motor with 1 HP AC motor, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
3. To perform Speed reversal of DC Shunt Motor 1HP, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
4. Speed control of dc shunt motor using IGBT chopper with 1HP dc shunt motor, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
5. Tensile, Shear and Compression tests of metallic and non-metallic specimens using Universal Testing Machine, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
6. Automotive exhaust 5 gas Analyzer(petrol& diesel), Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
7. Four-stroke, 3-cylinder, mpfi petrol engine test rig with hydraulic loading - water cooled with morse test facility, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
8. Toolmaker Microscope, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
9. Profile Projector, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
10. Bevel protractor, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
11. V C R diesel engine test rig with electrical loading, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
12. Calibration of Thermocouple, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
13. Performance testing of air blower, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
14. Performance testing of gear pumps fluid pump, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
15. Performance testing of reciprocating fluid pump, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
16. Performance testing of Centrifugal fluid pump, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
17. Determination of major and minor losses in pipe flow, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
18. Determination of viscosity of oils using Say bolt viscometer, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
19. Determination of viscosity of oils using redwood viscometer, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
20. Determination of viscosity of oils using Torsion viscometer, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
21. Determination of flash and fire point of fuels, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
22. Four stroke single cylinder petrol engine test rig with electrical loading air cooled, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
Category: GOODS
EMD: 75000.00
Est Amt: 22.00
Entity Type: Government Department
Tender Fees: 500.00
Notice Documents
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