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Home > Tenders > Short Term Tender Invitation For Empanelment Of Manufacturers / Importers /...
Tender for Short Term Tender Invitation For Empanelment Of Manufacturers / Importers / Oem / Mou Holders For Supply Of Horticulture Machinery And Solar Motor Pump Set Installation For The Year 2024-25 And 2025-2... from Karnataka. The reference number of the tender is: 101751214 and the same is closing on 10th Jun 2024. Users can register on the site to get similar tenders.
Procurement Summary
Country : India
State : Karnataka
Summary : Short Term Tender Invitation For Empanelment Of Manufacturers / Importers / Oem / Mou Holders For Supply Of Horticulture Machinery And Solar Motor Pump Set Installation For The Year 2024-25 And 2025-2...
Deadline : 10 Jun 2024
Purchaser's Detail
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
RefID : 101751214
Notice Ref. No. : KSHD/2024-25/SE0204
Tender Value : ₹ 188.00
Tender EMD : ₹ 5000.00
Tender Document Cost : ₹ 500
Competition : NCB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender's Details
Short Term Tender Invitation For Empanelment Of Manufacturers / Importers / Oem / Mou Holders For Supply Of Horticulture Machinery And Solar Motor Pump Set Installation For The Year 2024-25 And 2025-26
1. Tractor 2WD upto 20 HP, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
2. Tractor/Power tiller Drawn MB Plough Fixed Two Bottom 35 to 45 HP, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
3. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Foldable Steps Aluminium Ladder 20 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
4. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Foldable Steps Aluminium Ladder 30 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
5. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Foldable Steps Aluminium Ladder 40 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
6. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Foldable Steps Aluminium Ladder 50 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
7. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Foldable Steps Aluminium Ladder more than 50 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
8. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Unipole Aluminium Ladder 10 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
9. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Unipole Aluminium Ladder 20 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
10. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Unipole Aluminium Ladder 30 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
11. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Unipole Aluminium Ladder 40 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
12. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Unipole Aluminium Ladder 50 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
13. Tractor/Power tiller Drawn MB Plough Fixed Two Bottom above 45 HP, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
14. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Unipole Aluminium Ladder more than 50 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
15. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Bipole Aluminium Ladder 10 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
16. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Bipole Aluminium Ladder 20 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
17. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Bipole Aluminium Ladder 30 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
18. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Bipole Aluminium Ladder 40 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
19. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Bipole Aluminium Ladder 50 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
20. Aluminium Ladder Manually Operated Bipole Aluminium Ladder more than 50 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
21. Aluminium Pole 10 feet, Qty: 1.00, Amt: 1.00
Category: SERVICES
EMD: 5000.00
Est Amt: 188.00
Tender Fees: 500.00
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