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Home > Tenders > Supply Of Chemicals Glassware For The Year 2024-25 To Centre For Advanced R...
Tender for Supply Of Chemicals Glassware For The Year 2024-25 To Centre For Advanced Research In Environmental Radioactivity Carer Mangalore University from Karnataka. The reference number of the tender is: 103272540 and the same is closing on 11th Jul 2024. Users can register on the site to get similar tenders.
Procurement Summary
Country : India
State : Karnataka
Summary : Supply Of Chemicals Glassware For The Year 2024-25 To Centre For Advanced Research In Environmental Radioactivity Carer Mangalore University
Deadline : 11 Jul 2024
Purchaser's Detail
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
RefID : 103272540
Notice Ref. No. : MU/2024-25/IND0025
Tender Value : ₹ 118.00
Tender EMD : ₹ 12500.00
Tender Document Cost : ₹ 500
Competition : NCB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender's Details
Supply Of Chemicals Glassware For The Year 2024-25 To Centre For Advanced Research In Environmental Radioactivity Carer Mangalore University
1. Cone adaptor for tube furnace system .29 32. .customised design and to be fabricated as per the specification., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
2. CO2 regeneration setup for preparing the samples for Liquid Scintillation Counting Round bottom flaskSeparating funnel Cone adaptor B24 .24 29. . 2 No, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
3. CO2 regeneration setup for preparing the samples for Liquid Scintillation Counting Round bottom flaskSeparating funnel .100ml. . 1 No., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
4. CO2 regeneration setup for preparing the samples for Liquid Scintillation Counting Round bottom flask .500ml. . 1 No, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
5. Quartz Boat 12mL 15cm customised design and to be fabricated as per the specification, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
6. Outer cover of quartz work tube for tube furnace system Length .100cm, Inner Diameter . 3.2cm, Outer Diameter.3.8cm. .customised design and to be fabricated as per the specification, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
7. Quartz work tube for tube furnace system .customised design and to be fabricated as per the specification., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
8. Super PE VIAL 1000, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
9. Silica quartz wool, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
10. Pt-alumina 0.5 percent catalyst for pyrolyser furnace, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
11. Sand low iron for pyrolyser furnace, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
12. Ultima Gold uLLT, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
13. Ultima Gold F, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
14. Permafluor E plus, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
15. Carbosorb E, Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
16. Beaker .1000 mL., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
17. Beaker .500 mL., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
18. Beaker .150 mL., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
19. Beaker .50 mL., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
20. Beaker .25 mL., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
21. Centrifuge tube .Glass., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
22. Seperating Funnel with valve .500 mL., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
23. Measuring Jar .250 mL., Qty: 1.00 No, Amt: 1.00
Category: GOODS
EMD: 12500.00
Est Amt: 118.00
Entity Type: Others
Tender Fees: 500.00
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