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Home > Tenders > Supply Of Equipments/Instruments For Enhancement Of Ug-Pg Seats To Brims Fo...
Tender for Supply Of Equipments/Instruments For Enhancement Of Ug-Pg Seats To Brims For 2024-25 from Karnataka. The reference number of the tender is: 104086596 and the same is closing on 29th Jul 2024. Users can register on the site to get similar tenders.
Procurement Summary
Country : India
State : Karnataka
Summary : Supply Of Equipments/Instruments For Enhancement Of Ug-Pg Seats To Brims For 2024-25
Deadline : 29 Jul 2024
Purchaser's Detail
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
RefID : 104086596
Notice Ref. No. : DME/2024-25/IND0707
Tender Value : ₹ 39.00
Tender EMD : ₹ 1039300.00
Tender Document Cost : ₹ 500
Competition : NCB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender's Details
Supply Of Equipments/Instruments For Enhancement Of Ug-Pg Seats To Brims For 2024-25
1. Fiber Optic Bronchoscope, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
2. Electro-Hydraulic Operation Table, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
3. Higher end Dual Dome Operation Theatre Light, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
4. Digital C-Arm Machine, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
5. Tissue floatation Bath, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
6. Hematology Analyzer three part for Blood Bank, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
7. Hematology Analyzer 5 Part for Central Lab, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
8. Fully Automated Flexible Cover slipping Workstation, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
9. Centrifuge Machine (12 well each), Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
10. Semen Analyzer, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
11. Automic Urine Analyzer, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
12. Pentahead Microscope, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
13. Automated Rotary -Microtome, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
14. Manual Rotary -Microtome, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
15. Laparoscopy set Machines, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
16. FundoscopyLens90D, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
17. Gonioscope 4 mirrorIndirectgonioscope, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
18. Slit Lamp Biomicroscope, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
19. SlitLamp Biomicroscope with teaching aid, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
20. A Scan Ultrasound with Immertion, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
21. Ophthalmic unit Chair, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
22. Auto Retractometer with Keratometer, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
23. Apheresis MachineBlood Bank, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
24. Cabinet for slides, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
25. HotPlateSlideWarmingTable, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
26. Trinocular head Microscope, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
27. LED Binocular with Scanner, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
28. Staff Binocular Microscope, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
29. Cryostatfor Pathology, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
30. Laparoscopy with Hysteroscopy Autoclave hand instruments, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
31. Tru Nat Machine, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
32. Peripheral Nerve Stimulator, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
Category: GOODS
EMD: 1039300.00
Est Amt: 39.00
Entity Type: Government Department
Tender Fees: 500.00
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