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Home > Tenders > Watersupply Items Purchase For The Year 2023-24 Gp Chiluru Nyamati Taluk Da...
Tender for Watersupply Items Purchase For The Year 2023-24 Gp Chiluru Nyamati Taluk Davanagere Dist from Karnataka. The reference number of the tender is: 96746118 and the same is closing on 26th Feb 2024. Users can register on the site to get similar tenders.
Procurement Summary
Country : India
State : Karnataka
Summary : Watersupply Items Purchase For The Year 2023-24 Gp Chiluru Nyamati Taluk Davanagere Dist
Deadline : 26 Feb 2024
Purchaser's Detail
Other Information
Notice Type : Tender
RefID : 96746118
Notice Ref. No. : RDPR/2023-24/IND1354
Tender Value : ₹ 180.00
Tender EMD : ₹ 7535.00
Tender Document Cost : ₹ 500
Competition : NCB
Financier : Self Financed
Purchaser Ownership : Public
Tender's Details
15Th Fc Watersupply Items Purchase For The Year 2023-24 Gp Chiluru Nyamati Taluk Davanagere Dist
1. P V C PIPES 63 MM 4KG/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
2. SOLVENTS GUM 100 ML/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
3. REPAIR COLLERS 75 MM /CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
4. REPAIR COLLER 63 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
5. DRINKING WATER ITEMS CHILURU, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
6. PVC ELBOWS (THREAD) 75 MULTIPLES 63 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
7. G I BENDS ISI 50 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
8. G I NIPPLES 50 MULTIPLE 12 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
9. GI COLLERS HEAVY 50 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
10. CI TOP & BOTTOM ADOPTERS 50MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
11. COLUMN PIPES 50MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
12. G I Nipple H 50 MULTIPLES 6/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
13. Trangel Ball ValveS 50 mm/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
14. Moter 7.5 H P 12 Stg/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
15. ALUMINIUM COIL 300FT 10 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
16. HEAVY CLAMPS DOUBLE NUT BOLT 2/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
17. PANELS BOX BIG/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
18. SUB CABLE 4 POINT 0 SQ MM CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
20. SPANNERS 22 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
21. PVC TEES 75 MM 6KG /CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
22. NO-VOLT COILS/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
23. PVC ELBOWS 75 MM 6KG/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
24. RELAYS 20-32 AMS/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
25. PVC PIPES 75MM 4KG/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
26. MEET BALL VALVE PLANES 65 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
27. SOLVENT GUMS 500 ML/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
28. PVC ELBOWS 63 MM 6KG-/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
29. BALL VALE PVC PIPES 63 mm/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
30. PVC PIPES 6KG 40 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
31. FTAS PVC 90 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
32. PVC COLLERS 90 MM/CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
33. PVC COLLERS 75 MM /CHIL, Qty: 1.00 Nos, Amt: 1.00
Category: GOODS
EMD: 7535.00
Est Amt: 180.00
Entity Type: Government Department
Tender Fees: 500.00
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